Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 4 Continued: My Father's House!!!*

After visiting the children at the prison, we quickly grabbed lunch and then headed to our next location—My Father’s House!  This mission got started by a girl named Rebecca, who is now 27 years old.   I remember her telling us a little about her journey and her story.  She explained to us how she had a passion for these children and she knew she HAD to do something about it!  So, she decided to move to Uganda with about $200 dollars in her pocket and started the process of building a school.  On February 9, 2009 Royal Hope Academy was opened and she had 30 children that attended their first day of school, along with 3 teachers to help her make her dream come true.  Her school has grown greatly—having around 240 children that attend this school on a regular basis, as well as 4 more staff members to help out!  Rebecca’s story is SO AMAZING and SO INSPIRING!  Why? Because really, she is just a “regular” girl who went to visit God’s precious children….who went to love on orphans in this world…and who saw how badly they are in NEED of LOVE and CARE!!!  God called her to go back and to MAKE a DIFFERENCE and this is exactly what she is doing—day in and day out.  Working long and tiring days—which I’m sure just leave her physically and emotionally drained!  But she wakes up every morning with a purpose to HELP BRING GOD’s LOST CHILDREN HOME.  So, Rebecca, I thank you…from the bottom of my heart.  I THANK YOU for all of your hard work and your dedication to our Heavenly Father and to HIS precious…Lonely and Needy children!!  I was so blessed by our visit and am so very thankful I had the chance to meet you and to hear about your story! 

As we arrived to My Father’s House we were greeted with the sweetest song and warmest welcome!!  I was trying to upload the video to my blog but it wasn't working, so if you'd like you can go to my facebook page and check it out! :) The video will give you an idea of just how WARM and WELCOMING it was! :)  But let me tell you, it’s WAY better to experience it in person!!  Below is a picture of Rebecca! :)

These children were SO ADORABLE!  I can’t even tell you how happy they made my heart! Ahhh..they are all SO PRECIOUS!!!  This room was just FULL of so many faithful and hopeful children…and as I sat there I remember being SO thankful that Rebecca stepped up…listened to God’s calling for her life…because if not?  If she wouldn’t have? ….Where would all of these children have been?  …Who would have been watching over them and caring for them? …Who would be giving them HOPE? …Who would be their VOICE…their ADVOCATE? …Would they even still be alive?  …This is a sad and scary thought…I KNOW…but more importantly …it is the truth…This is why I am SO incredibly THANKFUL for Rebecca and for all that she does!! Here are some pictures of our time at My Father’s House…

These children are SUCH great dancers and singers!! It’s SO amazing!!!  I was so entertained by their worship and by their movements…I could have stayed there ALL night and watched them!

After visiting Rebecca’s children at her school…She invited us in to her home for supper with her and her girls.  I can’t remember how many children she has…I think it was 10 children that she had and now it is either 13 0r 14! How amazing is that??  And yes, these ARE HER CHILDREN.  She has welcomed them into her home and LOVES them as her OWN.  They are all sisters and she is their momma! :) How precious is this!?! …It was SO much fun for me to see their house…and to see their rooms and their bunk beds that the girls all shared.  As we were eating supper the power went out so here is a picture of us having a little candlelight dinner! :)

Rebecca’s heart for these children is so powerful and inspiring.  She is doing what God has called us to do in James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”  If you feel moved or are inspiring by Rebecca’s serving and faithful heart and would love to somehow help support her…please check out her website at: She has so many children that attend her school and it’s more than likely that the number of these children will only increase.  So, if you would want to help sponsor a child there is also information on her website about that as well! 

I ask you to PRAY for all of these orphans and children in Africa and all around the world…Prayer is a MIGHTY thing and really does MAKE a DIFFERENCE!  Do what you can…pray…donate…serve…sponser…visit…whatever it is that God puts on your heart.  Pray about it and then DO IT! :)  Why?  Because you will surely be BLESSED and will make such a big and POSITIVE difference to a CHILD.  And yes, you could truly CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THAT ONE CHILD! :)


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