Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fiwagoh!!! =)

Day 11
We are at FIWAGOH!!:)  This place just has something special about it.  I could feel it as soon as we arrived and all of the 180+ children were singing their hearts out to us…and I felt it as I woke up this morning.  It’s so crazy to think of the many children…and the many places we have been since arriving in Africa. But since arriving I sort of feel this peace and this “at home” feeling.  Something about Fiwagoh seems perfect and I woke up this morning with excitement of getting to know these precious children even more.  Below shows a picture of the Fiwagoh Home & Orphanage.  This is the view of the home when arriving through their gates.  They have so much open land and the background is absolutely beautiful.  I tried taking pictures but they really don’t do it justice…When I woke up this morning and looked out the window as I brushed my teeth using my bottle of water…I had this overwhelming feeling of JOY in my heart…as I looked at at God’s creation and the beautiful mountains…and as I listened to the sweet giggles coming from the girl’s rooms…This was such a wonderful moment where I had to just stop and thank God again for bringing me here…Who would have thought?? All I ever wanted to do was to go to Africa—And NOW I’m here! I’m experiencing it and I’m LOVING it all…and more importantly, I’m falling IN LOVE with all of these precious children.

Below are pictures that are seen from my window as well.  The men working are SO talented and are such hard workers.  I kept looking down at them and thinking how long the process of building and doing construction must take here…I thought of my dad…and how much he could help them!  …I always brag about my dad and how he can do and fix ANYTHING…and as I looked down as these men working so precisely…I just thought of how much my dad and other men here in America could help these guys…and help so many villages in Africa.  This men don’t have nice equipment and tools…they seriously do it all by hand!

We spent the day worshipping together with all of these children and oh my, let me tell you, their voices are BEAUITFUL!  So beautiful!  They sing with their whole heart—holding nothing back!  It’s captivating and so inspiring. After this we went to their BIG backyard. We had different stations set up where the kids played soccer, kick ball, did relays and played other fun games.  The game I was in charge of is called “What Time is it Mr. Fox?”  I played this game with my preschoolers in Mankato all of the time…and I thought of how the children here in Africa were and I just knew they’d love this game…Yes, they are much older then 4 & 5 year olds…but they appreciate SO much and their smiles explained just how grateful they were for having us there and for spending some time with them. Here’s how the game goes: Caitlin and I stood at the front with our backs toward the kids. The kids would yell, “What time is it Mr. Fox?!” We would then yell out a time, such as 5 o’clock!! …The kids would then take 5 steps toward us and would stop and then ask us again, “What time is it Mr. Fox?” We continued to call out times until the children were right next to us and were as close as we could get them.  Then when they asked us what time it was, we would yell LUNCH TIME! …And we’d turn around and try to tag them.  Whoever we tagged would come back with us and would help us tag the rest of the children. OH MY GOODNESS---PURE JOY!!! They LOVED this…We were ALL SMILES…Our team leader even had to come over and tell me and Caitlin to try and keep it down because we were distracting the rest of the kids in the other groups…they were all looking over at us and were watching and wondering what we were doing…then our team leader smiled and said, that’s ok—they’re having so much fun and they deserve it. So we smiled & continued to play!:) We also were just sweating…we had been standing outside under the warm sun and had been running and chasing these kids for like 2 hours and Caitlin and I would just look at each other…wipe our sweat off our faces and call out another time!  Yes, we were tired from traveling the day before and from getting to bed late and from waking up early and from running around in the warm sun…BUT, we also knew that these kids DESERVED it and that we could catch up on sleep when we got back to America…So we kept smiling and calling out times!:)  …But while I was playing this game I kept thinking to myself, oh my goodness, I’m so thirsty—water would feel SO good…Our team leader went to town to buy more bottle of water since our whole team was out…so we didn’t have any…and that was fine…because just about as soon as the thought, “Oh, I’m so thirty” came into my mind—I shot it right back out…Because these children go through this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! …They are CONSTANTLY THIRSTY AND HUNGRY…and never mind clean, pure, healthy water.  They have to drink what they have…and never mind having a variety of food…they get the SAME thing…DAY…After day…after day…Beans and rice…beans and rice…BEANS AND RICE.  Let’s just say I no longer felt thirsty…but rather my heart broke for all of these precious children that I was falling in love with…that I was getting to know…that I was becoming friends with…we were becoming a family.

My time at Fiwagoh was absolutely WONDERFUL…And going back to when my mouth was dry and I could have used some water. After leaving there I received many letters (I plan on sharing some of them with you in the future!)  Here is one letter I received from a sweet little boy named Alvin. (Remember their English isn’t the best, put for all that they’ve been through and for the education they have receive, they do a GREAT job!)
To Dear Shanna,
How are you? I hope that you are fine. I want to thank you for coming here in this mission and being my friend. These is one thing that I have learned about you and that is kindness. Thanks very much for the games that you taught us. They were interesting and made me to forget that I was hungry and thirsty. Your influence really impressed my heart. I mostly enjoyed one game and that is soccer ball. Even the scripture songs that you taught me and my fellow students. God sent his son to save the world and teach how to keep the Sabbath Day holy. And God inspires even children to do his good work. And I wanted to tell you also that Jesus denied himself to relieve those who suffered to be needy than he.   
From Your Friend,
…Welcome Again…
 Ouch…my heart continues to hurt…It continues to want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE…. It continues to think and pray for those children…Don’t believe you can change the world and make a difference?  Think again!  …Going to Africa and spending time with all of those kids was HUGE for me…I’m a difference person because of it…But so are they…and this is the most important part.  Coming to Fiwagoh, we brought them JOY…LOVE…and HOPE! And we DID make a difference…and I pray that God continues to use me to make a difference for all of the precious and lonely children all over the world…That truly need SO much…But who want one simple thing: Love.  
Does your heart hurt? …Mine sure does…But I keep finding my hope and rest in the Lord, knowing that HE DOES have a GREAT PLAN for these children…and I truly do believe that with my whole heart…and I’m so thankful that these kids are Fiwagoh know their Heavenly Father…Because I do know that no matter what happens here on this earth…I know that here…now…It’s all just temporary. We won’t live forever…some time we’ll leave this place…and when we do…I’m more than certain that I’ll be in Heaven with Jesus…and with all of these precious children that I met…singing and worshiping our God just like we did in their concrete kitchen in Kenya.

 Below is a picture of Duncan! :) Aka, our brother in Africa!

After our afternoon of fun and games, the kids wanted to take a little walk. We thought oh FUN! A nature walk with all of the 180 kiddos—Perfect! And it was just that…PERFECT!:)  But I must say, a little walk to them turned into like a 6 mile hike! J This was also one of my most favorite times of the whole trip…Walking hand in hand with all of these children…and getting to know them each a little bit more. Oh, and might I add we saw Flamingos & Monkeys! …Then after going on this hike and having such a wonderful time…we went back and ALL of our hearts were SO heavy…we were in our rooms…and so many of us just starting breaking down…These CHILDREN…these PRECIOUS…and GORGEOUS…and LOVING…and BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. They all had been through SO much…and we were all falling in love with them and NOT wanting to say good bye in the morning…After having a “moment” in our room..I headed back down stairs, and my eyes were puffy…and my heart was heavy…and I just wanted to lay in bed and cry out to God to help them…and to be with them…and to ask WHY? I don’t get it…these children are all so perfect and wonderful…Why do they have to live like this? And why were they betrayed by their loved ones? ….And why and why and WHY? …But, I knew I needed to spend more time with them—even though it was so hard for me to fight back the tears and to put a smile on my face…But I knew I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible, for morning would come way too soon…and before we knew it…we would have to do what we all dreaded…
…Saying Good-Bye.  


Monday, October 3, 2011

Listening and Following God's Word...

Some of you may already know this, but for those of you who don’t, I’d like to share with you that I am taking another short term mission trip!  As most of you know, I have always had a strong passion and desire in my heart for serving and loving the children in Africa—But I also know that God calls us to GO and SERVE and VISIT and LOVE ALL of the children around the world!  …A few months ago I had heard the news from my mom that a few people from our church, Living Word Lutheran Church, were taking a short-term mission trip to Ecuador.  As soon as I had heard this news…I just knew I’d be one of those people going along on this trip.  After I got home from Africa, I was having a hard time (and still do have a hard time) because I miss all of the wonderful children I met. During my time in Africa I felt like I had such a purpose in my life because I truly was making a difference in the lives of the children I met.  I could just feel it…and I could just see it in all of their faces…they appreciated the fact that I came to visit them and they were SO thankful for my time…to simply sit with them and by showing them they were important…So when I got back home…I missed that feeling…I missed the impact that Africa had on my life and I was ready to go back right away!  But, with school…and with the cost of the trip…I just knew it wasn’t quite reality for me to get back on that airplane to see all of those children.  I’d been praying about this…praying for God to continue to use me…whatever it may be…I just wanted His plans to be clear in my life…I just wanted to continue living out James 1:27…So as I was saying, as soon as I heard the news that our church was going on this trip to Ecuador…I felt like this was God’s calling—To GO and to LOVE ALL of His Precious Children…It doesn’t matter what the location is...It just simply matters that these children are His children!  AND, they are in need of love and care. So, who is responsible to live out James 1:27?  And who is responsible to LOOK AFTER these children? Who is responsible to SUPPORT and CARE and LOVE and VISIT these children? We are! As Christians, we are to read the Word of God and we are to RESPOND. So, after hearing about the trip to Ecuador—Right away I knew what I needed to do…what I WANTED to do…what I was CALLED to do…I needed to go to Ecuador to shower these children with love—just like I did with the children in Africa…I want to go to Ecuador…I want to learn and experience as much as I can about orphans and children in need…The more I know…The more I’m able to make a difference and to help these children…I also know I am called to go…how do I know this? By reading James 1:27—“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” So friends, I am going to ECUADOR!:) I’m SO excited and can’t wait to fall in love with the people and children of Ecuador—Just like I feel in love with the people and children in Africa!! Oh I just know this is going to be a great experience!! I’m so excited!! And just like I’ve been writing about my time in Africa, I look forward to writing and sharing about my time in Ecuador with you as well!  So exciting! God is SO great and is SO faithful!:)
I also wanted to share with you one way that I’m funding for my trip to Ecuador. As many of you already know, I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant and one thing I have always loved about Mary Kay is that we “Party with a Purpose!” You may be wondering what that exactly means, but when we say this, we are simply stating that when we work our Mary Kay Business and when we have Mary Kay Parties we have them for a REASON and we have goals to HELP and GIVE to others.  The Mary Kay foundation is GREAT and gives Millions and Billions of dollars every year to great causes and organizations around the world! So…just like the Mary Kay Company, I too have a purpose behind my business…My goal with Mary Kay is to work my business in a way so that I am better financially to help and reach out to orphans around the world…I hope, pray and dream about doing this by taking mission trips to visit these children, by donating, sponsoring and serving these children, and by also one day being able to adopt a child or children in need.  ….So, this Wednesday, October 5th I am having a Mary Kay Party at the Country Club in Cottonwood at 6:30pm! And, I’m sure you already guessed it—But I am Partying with a PURPOSE! :) Here’s how it works—Each person that comes to my party, my Mary Kay Director, Rachel, will donate $1 per person to go towards my trip!  It’s SO easy to do and just by showing up you’ll be able to help donate towards my trip! So if you’d like to have a little girl time…and to be pampered…and to learn new makeup tips…and to try new skincare products…and to get great gift ideas for the Holidays…Please come join me! It’s going to be a great time and you’d be helping a great cause!  Just a reminder, here is the information:

What: Mary Kay Party

When: Wednesday, October 5th @ 6:30 pm

Where: Cottonwood Country Club

Why: To have a great night with some great girls and to help support me on my upcoming trip to Ecuador!

ALSO: If you come to my party and bring a friend you’ll receive a FREE gift!!!:)

Thank you ALL…And if it works, I look forward to seeing you Wednesday Night! J If you could please message me or email me that you’re coming that would be great—Just so I have an idea of about how many people to expect!:)
*May you know the depth of God’s desire to bless you—His love is unconditional, His promises are infallible and the good things He has planned for you are unstoppable.*
